Benedetta Cibrario

Benedetta Cibrario (Firenze, 1962), scrittrice, ha esordito con Feltrinelli pubblicando Rossovermiglio (2007; premio Campiello 2008), a cui hanno fatto seguito Sotto cieli noncuranti (2009; premio Rapallo Carige 2010), Lo Scurnuso (2011) e, nella collana digitale Zoom, L’uomo che dormiva al parco (2012).

Benedetta Cibrario

The Man Who Slept in the Park di Benedetta Cibrario

Andrea is a man whose life has been turned upside down. His existence was overturned by his layoff, and now everything that he has always known chokes him, clamping his chest in a vice and preventing him from sleeping. There is no drug that works: his only secret peace is in the routine of o…

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